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Meet Spartafy!

Meet Spartafy!

Dear Partner,

In this page we would like to introduce Spartafy, our competency mapping and assessment software and its standardized tests.

Spartafy aims to bring reality closer to skill evaluation. With a gamified experience and a lifelike story, you can measure 21 different skills that are essential to success in today’s workplace. The measurement results in detailed reports that can show a person’s attitude, skillset and fit.

Best regards,
Spartafy team

Case Solvers\' skill universe
Skill universe

The importance of skill development and measurement have been increasing recently. Employers worldwide are looking for candidates who have the right skills. What are the right skills however? Case Solvers developed a skill universe with 21 problem-solving skills and defined 4 categories these fit into: create, conduct, collaborate and communicate.

Browse the Spartafy Library

Budapest Burger Business

In this test you shall find yourself immersed in the intricacies of the Budapest Burger case, which serves as a compelling illustration of the art of constructing a fast-food empire, quite literally from the ground up. You shall lend your invaluable counsel to your 'friend,' guiding him with sagacity in the discerning selection of the optimal choices to initiate this enterprise, ensuring its unwavering continuity, deftly surmounting the challenges posed by rival contenders, and orchestrating the grand expansion of this illustrious establishment.

Investment in the future

In this test, you will be actively involved in a Data Center project, immersing yourself in the narrative shaped by three key experts: environmental, technological, and financial experts. Join this enriching experience where your contributions will navigate the intersection of these critical domains, unlocking the potential for a successful Data Center project. Dive into the challenges and triumphs that await you on this transformative journey.


You, as the valued participant, will embark on a comprehensive marketing strategy project dedicated to Teastry, an esteemed tea brand. Your journey will encompass every facet, from in-depth research through meticulous planning, and all the way to seamless implementation. Join us in this transformative expedition, where your efforts will be instrumental in shaping the future of Teastry.

Salinger cinema

You, as a distinguished participant, shall assume the role of a junior consultant, embarking on a transformative journey in close collaboration with the esteemed management of Salinger Cinema. Your mission is to unravel the intricate tapestry of this iconic art cinema in Rotterdam and, with your insightful guidance, usher in an era of enhanced profitability.

Sziget project

As part of this engaging project, you'll have the exclusive chance to offer invaluable advice directly to the founder of Sziget Kft. as they navigate through various stages from conception to final presentation. Dive into the dynamic world of the festival industry, analyze its intricacies, and craft strategic recommendations aligned with the company's growth trajectory. Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to make a meaningful impact and showcase your expertise in festival management and business strategy. Join us now and be a part of shaping the future of Sziget Kft.!

Dorado café

Embrace the Dorado spirit! As a valued participant, you shall step into the role of a junior consultant, collaboratively engaged in a dynamic project alongside Dorado Café, the renowned specialty haven nestled in the heart of Budapest's bustling core. In this test, your task involves a comprehensive market analysis, a meticulous examination of the pricing strategy in place, and the crafting of ingenious recommendations geared towards the enhancement of Dorado's profitability. Join us on this journey, where your insights and expertise will contribute to the flourishing legacy of Dorado Café.


You are invited to immerse yourself in a compelling venture with Neighbours, a community platform intricately woven around neighborhoods. Your pivotal role unfolds as you embark on a project tasked with the mission of enticing a greater number of users to join and enrich the vibrant tapestry of this community platform. Join us in this impactful initiative where your insights will shape the growth and interconnectedness of Neighbours.


In this test you render your valuable assistance to the governance of Technopolis. Your role entails the meticulous scrutiny of the current e-mobility framework and its accompanying infrastructure, followed by the formulation of recommendations for the inception of an innovative strategy.

Smart port

Within this assessment, you, in the distinguished role of a consulting project manager, embark upon a voyage of strategic significance for the illustrious Port of Rotterdam. Throughout this endeavor, you shall acquaint yourself with the essential core activities and formidable challenges of an international smart port, whereupon your expertise will guide the client towards an esteemed position as a vanguard of innovation within the industry. The examination comprises three distinct modules, each meticulously tailored to hone your proficiency in a specific phase of the project: comprehensive industry analysis, intricate strategy development, and the meticulous art of implementation. Upon completing this test, the erudite participant shall possess an enriched understanding of the primary steps and momentous milestones integral to a consulting project, all from the seasoned perspective of a seasoned project manager.


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Are you interested in one of our standard tests? Would you like us to create your own test? Would you like to schedule a demo call? Let us know what you think! Write us an email to !

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